The Cowboy’s Mail Order Bride (BBW Romance - Billionaire Brothers 5) Page 7
Mitch’s hand wrapped around her elbow, steadying her. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.” She silently cursed the way her pulse jumped at his touch. His hand remained on her arm as they continued to the barn, and warmth tingled through her.
“Everything’s in here.” He opened the big wooden door, and gestured her inside.
Watching her footing, Sophie stepped into the large barn. Afternoon sunlight streamed in through the small windows. Mitch walked over to the far corner and opened a stable door.
“Here.” He waved a hand at the contents.
Her eyes widened as she took in all the equipment. Lawn mower, rototiller, trowels, hoes, shovels - it was like an Aladdin’s cave for gardeners.
When she didn’t say anything, he prompted, “Well?”
She walked into the stable and checked out the rototiller as well as the other tools. “I think these will work.”
“Good.” His lips tugged upwards.
They stood staring at each other, dust motes dancing in the air. Then Mitch took a step forward. Holding her breath, she felt rooted to the spot. She couldn’t move. Didn’t want to move.
He cupped her face, his lips descending. Lower, lower, until they touched hers. All coherent thought left her as his mouth seared hers. She leaned into the kiss, her hands reaching up and grasping his shoulders for support.
The kiss deepened, his tongue coaxing her lips apart. Giving herself up completely to the sensations overwhelming her, Sophie’s fingers tightened on his broad shoulders. Her pulse thrummed in her throat as the kiss continued, until she gasped for breath. Kissing Mitch like this was a fantasy come true, but where would it lead?
She wasn’t into casual flings, but how could it be anything more? In three weeks she would be flying back to San Diego to concentrate on work and school. How could - whatever this was - work out as a long distance thing?
Would Mitch even want to continue this - this - after she flew home? Or was she just a convenience? Maybe he was lonely. Maybe he hadn’t had a woman in a while. There was so much she didn’t know about him.
And what about her curves?
If this developed into anything more than a mind-blowing kiss, what would he think if he saw her nude? Would he care about what she looked like naked? Would he still be attracted to her? Or would her generous breasts, hips and rounded tummy turn him off?
Her mind reeling, she wrenched away her mouth, hoping he couldn’t see how much it cost her.
“I … can’t,” she breathed.
His whole body stilled, his hands dropping to his sides. She noted his breathing wasn’t exactly steady either.
“Why not?” he rasped.
Shaking her head, Sophie didn’t know what else to say. How could she explain her thoughts to him, when she still had trouble processing them herself?
“I can’t,” she repeated, almost afraid to look at him. But she did. Frustration etched his face.
He turned on his heel and strode out of the barn.
Over the next few days, Sophie worked hard in the garden. The kiss in the barn was never mentioned. In fact, Mitch acted like it had never happened. Or tried to act that way. Sometimes, she caught him staring at her intensely, but when he saw she noticed, he looked away.
She regretted breaking off the kiss, but what else should she have done? She didn’t want to send him mixed signals, but if she’d allowed him to keep on kissing her, who knew what else might have occurred?
Although she’d fantasized about making love with Mitch, she knew it would never happen. Should never happen. There was no point when she was flying home in three weeks. She’d never see him again. Besides, what if it was just a little dalliance for him? Maybe he never intended to take it further than a kiss. A soul searing one to be sure, but his hands hadn’t strayed from her face. He hadn’t caressed her breasts, trailed his fingers down to her hips, stroked her derriere, or her …
Her face flaming, she told herself to concentrate on the holes she was digging, not Mitch’s kissing expertise.
And there was another reason why she shouldn’t develop a romantic relationship with him. What if he found out she wasn’t who she claimed to be? What if he discovered she wasn’t a qualified landscape designer?
At first, Sophie had thought Mitch might kick up a fuss if he knew she didn’t have a degree in landscape design. Maybe he’d think she couldn’t do a good job.
But now, she didn’t like the idea she’d lied to Mitch, even if it was by omission.
What was she going to do?
Mitch’s voice broke into her thoughts. She realized she’d been so busy thinking about him that she hadn’t heard him pull up in the truck. He’d left earlier that day to pick up another horse.
“What’s up?” She stood, brushing dirt off her knees.
He looked chagrined, as if he didn’t want to ask whatever he was about to.
Most of the time, it was as if that barn interlude hadn’t happened. Maybe it hadn’t - for him.
After a slight pause, he said, “I need your help with the new horse. If you’ve got time.” He eyed the gardening implements on the ground.
“Of course.” She was pleased he’d asked her for help. “What do you want me to do?” She tried to hide the note of trepidation in her voice but wasn’t sure she succeeded. Although she loved horses, she didn’t have a lot of experience with them. Sometimes when she worked in the garden, Hero or Gracie appeared behind the fence as if saying hello to her, before ambling off to join the other rescued horses in the distance. But that was all the contact she’d had with the horses since she’d been here.
“Just talk to him softly while I get him out of the trailer.” He headed back to the truck. “He’s a little nervous.”
“Where did you get him from?”
“Laramie.” His face darkened. “He was going to be turned into dog meat because he’s too temperamental.”
Tears pricked her eyes at the unfairness of the world. “I’m glad you saved him.” She impulsively brushed her fingertips on the back of his hand. This was the first time they’d touched since the kiss in the barn.
“Me too,” he replied gruffly, not looking as if he hated the fleeting contact.
Once they reached the truck, Mitch spoke soothingly to the horse inside the trailer.
The horse whinnied, lashing out with his hoof.
“It’s okay, Thor,” Mitch murmured.
Sophie’s eyes widened when she got her first look at the creature. He was a big buckskin, with a light tan body and face, and a black mane and tail. By the way he shook his head and kicked out behind him, he was not happy at all.
“I have to get the ramp down,” Mitch informed her. “Maybe you can talk to him and distract him.”
She nodded, swallowing hard. Hoping Thor wouldn’t lash out at his rescuer, she stood to one side of the trailer.
“Everything’s going to be all right, Thor.” At first she felt a little silly, but one glance at Mitch setting to work on the ramp convinced her to keep going with the sweet talk. “You’re in your new home now, and there are lots of other horses you can make friends with. You’ll be able to gallop and trot and do whatever you want to do all the time.”
The horse’s ears pricked up and he started to quiet.
Encouraged, Sophie added, “This is a good place to live. And the other horses are nice too. I’ve only met two of them so far, but their names are Hero and Gracie.”
“All done.” Mitch came to stand beside her.
She felt her cheeks heat as she realized he must have heard every word he said.
“He’s a lot quieter now.” He nodded toward the large horse. “Thanks.”
Sophie smiled. “You’re welcome.”
“I have to go in there and back him out. If he starts acting up, can you talk to him again?”
“Sure.” A tremor of anxiety hit her as Mitch entered the trailer, speaking softly to Thor. At his urging, the horse slowly backed out of the trailer.
“Good boy,” Mitch praised the horse once they were both away from the vehicle.
Thor blew out a big breath, then stared at Sophie.
“Come and say hello,” Mitch encouraged her.
Walking the few steps over to the horse, she slowly held out her fist for the creature to sniff. “Hi, Thor,” she whispered.
Thor sniffed her hand, then whickered.
“I think he likes you.” Mitch’s face broke into a grin.
“I think I like him.” She smiled. No wonder the poor horse had acted up. He probably knew something momentous was happening, but not sure exactly what. “You’re safe here, boy,” she murmured.
The horse nudged her hand with his nose.
“I’ve got some carrots in the truck.” Mitch hurried to the passenger side and got out a nearly empty bag of carrots. “Had to give him some to get him to come home with me,” he said self-deprecatingly. He handed one to her. “Lay it flat on the palm of your hand and offer it to him.”
Following his instructions, she giggled when the horse’s warm breath tickled her palm as he delicately crunched up the juicy orange vegetable.
They watched Thor munch with obvious enjoyment. “Might as well give him another one. Then we’ll take him to the paddock.” Mitch gave her a second carrot.
Sophie repeated the procedure. “Good boy,” she crooned. The horse’s black, velvety eyes looked at her adoringly before he crunched the second carrot.
Mitch waited until Thor finished eating. “Come on.” He urged him forward with the leading rope, and the horse obeyed, after turning his head to see if Sophie was joining them.
“Yep, he definitely likes you.” Mitch chuckled. He looked as if he were going to add something, but seemed to stop himself.
She wondered what Mitch had been about to say as they walked over to the small paddock. Before she could puzzle over it any further, they reached the paddock.
Mitch opened the gate and led the horse inside. A large bucket of water stood inside the small, grassy enclosure.
“I’ll keep him in here for a couple of days, and then let him join the rest of the horses. That way, it’s not too overwhelming for him, and he has a chance to meet some of the others if they visit him.” Mitch joined Sophie on the other side of the fence.
Thor ambled over and whickered at her.
“I think he wants you to pet him. Remember how to do it?”
“Yes.” She nodded. Slowly extending her hand, she stroked the horse gently on his large nose. “You’re beautiful, Thor.”
The horse nodded as in acknowledgment, then wandered off to explore the water bucket.
“Thanks for your help.” Mitch turned to her.
“Anytime.” She meant it. Apart from feeling nervous at first because of the way Thor had acted, she’d enjoyed her contact with the horse. “Is he really temperamental? He seemed to calm down quickly.”
“That’s because he likes you.” As if he couldn’t help himself, he murmured, “Just like I do.”
Pleasure rippled through her at his words. “Mitch, I--” She faltered at the expression on his face. Desire scorched his features, his eyes ablaze with banked heat.
Her breath skipped.
Before she could think of what to say, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to him. Her heat thudded in anticipation, and then his lips claimed hers.
Sophie parted her lips in surrender, her hands clutching the small of his back. She couldn’t think. Mitch kissed her as if his life depended on it. Her fingertips dug into the cotton fabric of his shirt as he kissed her senseless.
When his mouth barely lifted from hers, she gasped for air. His warm lips commanded hers once more and she was helpless to resist. Didn’t want to resist.
Mitch’s hands trailed down to her hips, then her derriere. Sophie quivered at his touch, heat pooling deep inside her. His hands swept up from her rump to her shoulders and then back down again. She’d just gotten used to the tantalizing rhythm when he brushed his thumb over her stiffened nipple.
Shivering with pleasure, her fingers gripped the small of his back. Either he didn’t notice, or didn’t mind, because he continued the teasing, torturous caress, sending her body and mind into a whirl of heady desire.
His lips continued to sear hers. The hardness of his lower body pressed into her. She was dimly aware that the sensible thing to do would be to stop, before this … this … went any further, but she couldn’t. She was a slave to Mitch’s touch.
A shrill ring tone jarred the erotic moment. They both ignored it at first, but the noise continued, piercing the sensual haze. Mitch wrenched his lips from hers, keeping one arm wrapped around her.
“It better be important,” he growled, scowling ferociously at the phone after he dug it out of his pocket. “Alex won’t stop calling until I answer.” He stabbed the buttons and lifted the phone to his ear. “What?”
Sophie blinked, slowly returning to earth. Mitch’s hand was warm around her waist, and although she was glad he still held her, she didn’t want to eavesdrop on his conversation. She tried to edge away to give him some privacy, but his hand tightened around her. The fact that he still wanted her next to him while he took the call sent warmth quivering through her.
“Everything’s fine.” Mitch’s tone didn’t invite his brother to prolong the conversation. “Yeah. Okay.” He ended the call and shoved the phone back into his pocket. “Sorry about that.” He grimaced. “Alex wanted to know how everything was going.”
“Oh.” His hand was still around her waist, sparking her nerve endings.
“I told him everything was fine,” he said unnecessarily. “I wish my brothers would butt out of my life.” He drew in a deep breath, as if to erase the memory of the short phone conversation. “Let’s forget he even called.”
Mitch urged her closer to him. Sophie wavered, taking a small step toward him, then stiffened her resolve and stepped back. While he’d been talking to his brother, she’d had a second to think. If they hadn’t been interrupted, she wasn’t sure what would have happened next. Would she have taken the ultimate step and made love with Mitch? Was she ready to?
“I … I don’t think this is a good idea,” she finally whispered, looking up at him from beneath her lashes, knowing she wasn’t ready to make love with him. Yet.
“It seemed a very good idea a moment ago.” His hand remained around her waist.
“That was before the phone--”
“Damn Alex,” he gritted. Shutting his eyes for a second, he sighed heavily and relaxed his hand on her waist. “Okay, baby.” He took a step back, his hand dropping to his side.
Sophie immediately felt bereft at the loss of contact. Telling herself this was for the best, she nodded awkwardly and hurried back to her gardening chores, wondering why sometimes there wasn’t any reward when you were sensible.
It was for the best, Sophie continued to tell herself the next day. But last night, she’d eventually fallen asleep dreaming of Mitch, and all the delicious, naughty things she wanted him to do to her.
What would have happened if Alex hadn’t called yesterday? Maybe everything she’d fantasized about last night.
Ramming her trowel into the hard-packed earth, she told herself to be realistic. She would have probably chickened out and called a halt before anything really happened, like pieces of clothing yanked off. Was she really ready for Mitch to see her naked? To see her generous breasts and naked curves in the daylight?
And another thing to be mindful of, she told herself severely, was that she wasn’t on birth control. So there was no way she could make love with Mitch if he didn’t have protection. It was just too risky to do so otherwise.
But … he’d called her “baby”. She hugged the endearment to herself. That was the first time he’d ever used a sweet nothing when he spoke to her. Baby.
Closing her eyes, she relived the magic of his touch - again and again.
ch stabbed the keyboard, typing savagely. Damn Alex. It was just typical of one of his brothers to interfere with his life, especially when it was at a crucial moment. Like yesterday.
Sophie had felt like heaven in his arms. A heaven he couldn’t get enough of. He would have carried her into the house and made love to every inch of her perfect, curvy body.
He realized it was time to face the inevitable. He couldn’t imagine what his existence would be like once she returned to San Diego. Perfectly content with his life before she arrived, he knew he wouldn’t be nearly as satisfied with it if she wasn’t in it.
He’d managed to get her to stay another week, when he’d kicked up a fuss about her hiring sub-contractors. But when that week was up, what then? There had to be a way to get her to stay for longer - a lot longer.
If his annoying brothers didn’t interfere.
A couple of days later, Sophie knew she had to beard Mitch in his study. She’d spent as much time as possible outdoors since their interrupted make-out session, to avoid temptation, but now she had to talk to him about plants. A couple of the species she’d recommended weren’t available locally, and she didn’t want to choose substitutes herself, since she knew how important the garden was to him.
The rest of the redesigned garden was coming along nicely, though. So far, the heavy work hadn’t been as difficult as she’d feared, and she hadn’t had to ask Mitch for assistance.
But now …
They’d acted normally toward each other since Alex’s phone call had interrupted them, or at least tried to, in her case, but she could feel an underlying sexual tension humming between them. And though she was tempted to kiss Mitch again, she knew it wasn’t the sensible thing to do.
Stepping into the kitchen via the back door, she called out. “Mitch?”
No answer. They’d had lunch a couple of hours earlier, then she’d departed to plant some of the shrubs that had arrived earlier that day.
She walked into the study nook. The computer desk was vacant and the screen black and still. No screensaver. No computer hum.
He must be outside. Sophie sat down at the kitchen table and opened up the laptop next to her. As the screen blinked awake, she wondered where Mitch was. Perhaps he was checking on Thor. The buckskin had seemed to settle in, and was now in the large pasture with all the other horses.