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The Lawman’s Blackmailed Bride (Billionaire Brothers 3): BBW Romance Read online

Page 3

  “Good.” Cole lifted a key hanging on the wall. “We’ll take the SUV. Maddie’s car might be too noticeable.”

  Phoebe nodded, then trailed him to the house. “Are you sure this is okay?”

  He turned around, placing one hand on her shoulder. Her heart skipped a beat at the contact. “Garrett won’t mind. And right now, he’s in Lake Como. We’ll return the car before he even gets back.”

  “Italy?” What it would be like to go to Italy on your honeymoon? Incredible.

  “Yeah.” His lips turned upwards and she caught her breath at the change in his expression. For an instant he looked, happy, lighter, and she wondered if it was the fact that he was helping her that made him seem so gruff and serious.

  “Maddie was stranded on the highway. Luckily for her, Garrett came along.” He shrugged. “A few weeks later, they flew to Vegas, got married and are now enjoying a long honeymoon.”


  “Especially since Maddie was supposed to marry someone else at the time.” He sounded amused.

  Phoebe’s eyes widened. She couldn’t get a decent boyfriend, let alone a fiance. And Maddie had two guys to choose from?

  “Come on.” Cole turned toward the house. “We can fix something to eat and you can borrow some clothes. Then we have to get going.” He glanced at his watch. “It’s going to take about four hours to get to Jackson, and I think it’s better if we get moving ASAP.”

  Cole unlocked the front door. She followed him to the spacious kitchen, placing her purse on the kitchen table. “Can I help?”

  “I’ve got it.” He waved away her offer. Opening a cupboard, he got out two glasses and filled them with water. “Here.” He placed a tumbler in front of her.

  She sipped the cool water gratefully, while she watched Cole move around the well-equipped kitchen. Garrett and Maddie had turned off the refrigerator before they’d left for their honeymoon, but the pantry seemed to be well stocked.

  “Pasta okay?” Cole held out a packet of tube pasta.

  “Sure.” Right now, anything sounded good. She hadn’t realized how hungry she was until she’d sat down at the table.

  He rummaged in the pantry once more. “There’s a jar of tomato and basil sauce to go with it.”

  “Great.” She smiled, admiring his muscular frame when he bent down to get a saucepan out of the cupboard. His faded jeans lovingly molded his tight butt and a wave of heat flashed through her.

  Hastily taking a sip of water, she told herself to get a grip. Cole was helping her, nothing more. And by the time this was all over, she would pay him as much as she could afford, which would definitely be more than one dollar per hour. She just hoped he didn’t regret assisting her.

  When the pasta was ready, Phoebe concentrated on eating the simple meal. Glancing over at Cole, she noticed he made short work of his meal and took long swallows of his own glass of water.

  “I’ll do the dishes while you look at Maddie’s clothes,” he informed her when she’d taken her last bite.

  She raised her eyebrows in surprise at his offer.

  “It’ll be quicker this way,” he added, collecting the plates and piling them on the sink.

  “Okay.” Phoebe rose from the table.

  “The bedrooms are down there.” He waved a hand towards the hallway.

  She nodded, grabbing her purse and slipping down the hall, wondering which was the master bedroom. A man who didn’t complain about doing the dishes. Or cooking. Cole Trask was definitely turning out to be a keeper. Except … you’re his client, she scolded herself. Don’t get any crazy ideas.

  Her shoulders sagged for a second, then she straightened them. Right now, she had to focus on borrowing some clothes so they could leave here as quickly as possible.

  Entering one of the bedrooms, decorated in rich blue with cream accents, she opened the closet. Women’s and men’s clothes hung neatly, with shoes beneath. Phoebe carefully looked through Maddie’s clothes, looking for something that was cool, comfortable, and most important of all, fitted her.

  She pulled out a pair of navy capris and a light blue t-shirt. Holding them against her in the mirror, she decided they might suit her. Checking that she was still alone in the bedroom, she hastily took off her clothes and slipped on Maddie’s.

  The toning blues flattered her coloring. She turned this way and that, delighted that the clothes fit. In fact, they actually seemed to flatter her curves, something that her own outfits struggled to do. And the capris would be much more practical for climbing into the SUV, as well as looking good with her low-heeled navy pumps.

  She was about to shut the closet when a half-opened drawer caught her eye. Silk and lacy scraps of fabric enticed her to take a closer look, and before she realized it, she’d fully opened the drawer. Bras and panties nestled in the deep drawer, and hesitantly, Phoebe picked up a silky white pair of panties. They seemed to be her size. Her cheeks flushing, she placed the panties in her purse. When all this was over, she’d reimburse Maddie for the lingerie and return her clothes. But the thought of only having one pair of panties for the next couple of days made her wince.

  Gathering up her skirt and top, Phoebe peeked into the master bath. She’d love to take a shower right now, and wash away the grime of the day, but there wasn’t any time. She took one last look in the mirror, a small smile gracing her lips as she gazed at her new outfit, before heading back to the kitchen.

  “Ready,” she announced.

  Cole swung around, standing still for a moment, his gaze appearing to take in her appearance. “Good,” he finally uttered. Turning back to the pantry, he took out a large bottle of water. “We better get going.”

  “Should we leave a note about borrowing Maddie’s clothes and the SUV?” She gestured at her outfit, conscious of still holding her travel-stained skirt and blouse.

  “No. If someone - not that it’s likely - recognized my SUV from the news, the authorities might think to look here.” At her anxious exclamation, he hastened to add, “I think it’s only a slight possibility. But it pays to be cautious. I’ll call Garrett later, when all this is over and I’ve returned his SUV.” He smiled. “He won’t mind.”

  “All right,” she murmured, knowing he had a point. If it had been her sister helping someone out, Phoebe wouldn’t mind lending her car or clothes or panties to whomever was in trouble. She hoped Garrett felt the same way, despite Cole’s assurances.

  She followed him outside. “I’ll put your clothes in my duffel bag.” He held out his hands.

  “Thanks.” Self-consciously, she placed her clothes in his grasp and watched him open the trunk and unzip his bag.

  “I’ll drive my SUV into the garage once I’ve taken out Garrett’s.”

  Phoebe nodded, watching him stride to the garage. Not for the first time, she was thankful that she’d jumped into his SUV and not somebody else’s. She patted her purse reassuringly. Once they arrived in Jackson Hole, she was sure that everything would be okay.

  Phoebe clambered into the passenger seat, grateful to be wearing the comfortable capris and hoping Maddie wouldn’t mind when she came back from her honeymoon and found out about the borrowed clothes.

  The sound of the driver’s door opening pulled her out of her thoughts. Cole flashed a grin at her as he fastened his seat belt. “Let’s go.” He turned on the ignition, and Phoebe noticed how luxurious Garrett’s vehicle was. In fact, in that regard it seemed remarkably similar to Cole’s. Both the ranching and PI business must pay well, she mused.

  Once they were back on the highway, Cole kept just under the speed limit. The miles passed by, and her eyelids drooped. Telling herself she would only rest her eyes for a minute, the next thing she experienced was Cole’s touch on her shoulder, gently shaking her awake.

  Phoebe blinked. “Where are we?” She heard her sleep-thickened voice and tried to clear it.

  “On the outskirts of Rock Springs.” He stretched, and she realized he might be just as tired as she was, especial
ly since he’d done all the driving.

  Glancing out of the window into the darkness, she made out the shapes of small cabins off the highway. Golden lights winked from some of the windows, while a red and blue neon Vacancy sign hung neatly in the window of the office.

  “I’d offer to take over but I can’t drive a stick.” She offered him a wry smile.

  “Don’t worry about it.” He studied her face for a moment, and she realized that although he’d stopped the car, the soft internal light illuminated the interior of the SUV. “You look beat. We’ll stop here for the rest of the night and leave first thing in the morning.”

  “Okay,” she agreed softly.

  “Stay here while I see about a room.”

  She nodded and watched him stride over to the tiny office next to the cabins, admiring the way his jeans and t-shirt outlined his lean, muscular frame.

  A few minutes later, Cole jumped into the driver’s seat. “All set.” He held out a key to her. “Number six. It was the only room left.”

  Phoebe gazed at the key chain shaped like a log. She hoped there was plenty of hot water. Taking a shower would feel wonderful right now.

  Seconds later, Cole parked outside a small log cabin. The SUV’s headlights illuminated a miniature version of his own house. A tiny porch with a rocking chair completed the homey picture.

  They stepped inside the cabin. Cole flicked a switch and warm golden light flooded the room. An inviting double bed adorned with a floral bedspread and plumped up pillows occupied the center of the room. A small wooden table with two matching chairs decorated the “kitchen” area. She spied a coffeemaker next to the sink, and a tiny refrigerator.

  “There’s only one bed.” Her eyes kept returning to that particular item of furniture.

  Cole shrugged. “It’s no big deal. I’ll sleep on the floor.”

  Phoebe swung her gaze to his. “You can’t! I mean - that’s not fair.” Feeling her cheeks heat, she wasn’t sure what she was saying. Except that the two of them and one bed did not compute. At all.

  “Are you saying you want to share the bed?” He flashed her a wolfish grin.

  “No!” Hearing herself screech, she softened her tone. “I don’t mind sleeping on the floor. You’re doing all the driving so you should have the bed.”

  “No can do, sweetheart.” He shook his head. “You take the bed.”


  “We’re not going to argue about this,” he said firmly. “Do you want a shower first?”

  Blinking at the rapid change of subject, she nodded. “Please.”

  Cole gestured to the bathroom door. “All yours.”

  Phoebe hurried into the bathroom, still clutching her purse. Only when she’d locked the door and undressed did she remember that she didn’t have anything else to wear, besides her travel-stained clothes in Cole’s duffel bag.

  Grumbling at her lack of foresight, she turned on the hot water. Although small, the cream colored bathroom seemed clean and well-equipped. The shower stall boasted tiny bottles of shampoo, conditioner and a wrapped bar of soap. White hand towels, bath towels, and two face cloths meant she would be able to wash and dry herself thoroughly. Stepping into the shower, she told herself she’d deal with her wardrobe dilemma later.

  Phoebe savored the warm water for a couple of minutes, before rinsing out her bra and panties, hoping they would dry by morning. As she washed herself, her thoughts wandered to Cole. She wished she could be a fly on the wall when he took his shower. Now that would be a sight to see.

  Reluctantly turning off the shower taps, she briskly dried herself, then tugged Maddie’s clothes back on, including the pair of panties stowed in her purse. The alternative was to saunter into the bedroom with a towel around her that struggled to contain her curves, and she wasn’t ready for that. Her shoulders sagged. Cole wouldn’t be ready for that either.

  She draped her wet lingerie over the furthest towel rail, hoping Cole wouldn’t notice. She definitely didn’t want him to see what size she wore.

  Walking out of the bathroom with her purse, she pasted a smile on her face. “Finished.”

  “Thanks.” Cole rose from the wooden chair and grabbed his duffel bag, pausing as she walked further into the room. His gaze narrowed in on her chest for a second, before he seemed to recover himself and headed into the bathroom. Only when she looked down at her chest did she remember she wasn’t wearing a bra.

  Phoebe bit back a smile. Maybe Cole wasn’t so impervious to her after all. Feeling encouraged, she hopped into the bed, wishing she’d had the foresight to borrow a bra from Maddie as well. But at the time, she thought they’d arrive in Jackson late tonight, get everything straightened out tomorrow, and get back to Cheyenne tomorrow night. Now, that time line just seemed a hopeful dream.


  Cole entered the tiny bathroom, scanning the interior. Plenty of towels and soap. Good. Then he spotted pale pink lingerie on one of the towel rails. They had to be Phoebe’s. He groaned, remembering how she’d looked a minute ago, coming out of the bathroom. Dark blue pants. Pale blue t-shirt. And no bra. Even through the cotton fabric of her shirt, her breasts looked like they would be ripe and luscious. He wondered what it would be like to touch them, taste them.

  A muscle clenched in his jaw as he told himself to get a grip. She was his client. Nothing more. When all this was over, they’d go their separate ways. Him to his fishing, hanging out now and then with his brothers, and helping people. And Phoebe would go back to … He frowned. He didn’t know what Phoebe did in her regular life, besides working for a jerk in an antiques store. Maybe he should find out more about her. Just to make sure she’d be okay when all this was over. Her parents were thousands of miles away and her sister lived in New York. And it didn’t look like she’d be able to go back to the antiques store, anyway. Once all this was straightened out, her boss would either fire her or be arrested. Probably both. She’d need a new job.

  He grinned. Although he always maintained he didn’t need an assistant, he could definitely make an exception for Phoebe.

  Phoebe Lan-- - and he was determined to find out her last name - wasn’t his first one dollar per hour client. But he’d never had a client as attractive as her. And he’d never entertained thoughts about any of his clients before, either.

  Hot needles of water sprayed over the planes of his body. Although he knew he should turn the temperature down to freezing, he indulged himself, letting the warm water wash away the grime of the day. Then, when he was almost finished, he twisted the cold tap hard, reminding himself why he refused to share the bed with her. Because right now, he wanted her too much.


  Phoebe snuggled under the covers. Even in summer, the nights were cold in Wyoming. She’d almost fallen asleep when she’d registered the sound of the water shutting off. Although she felt guilty that Cole was sleeping on the floor, she didn’t think she was brave enough to share the bed with him, even if it would be purely platonic. What if she rolled over in the middle of the night, and her unconfined breasts landed against his chest? What if they woke up at the same time, and somehow, while asleep, she’d plastered her body against his? No, it was too risky.

  She tensed, waiting for Cole to walk into the room. Would he wear jeans and a t-shirt? Or would he be shirtless? Excitement rippled through her at the thought of seeing his bare chest. Even through his clothes, he looked like he was in good shape. Would he--

  The bathroom door opened. Her eyes flashed toward Cole, stepping into the room. Darn. He had a black t-shirt on, and dark blue jeans. Chiding herself for her wayward thoughts, Phoebe allowed her eyes to feast on him for one more second, before feigning nonchalance.

  “Are you sure you’ll be okay on the floor?” She sat up, keeping the covers close to her chest.

  “I’m sure.” He opened the narrow closet in the corner and pulled out a couple of blankets. “I’ll be fine sleeping on this.”

  She tugged at the pillows on the empty side of th
e bed and pushed them towards the foot of the bed. “Here.”

  “Thanks.” His smile softened his gruff tone. He laid out the blanket on the carpet next to the empty side of the bed and grabbed the pillows. “I’ve set the alarm for six. We should leave ASAP.”

  “Okay,” she replied softly, barely registering his words, too busy watching his economical movements. She didn’t think she’d get a wink of sleep tonight, now Cole was back in the room with her. Even if he was sleeping on the floor.

  She waited until he was settled on the carpet, then turned off the bedside lamp. “Goodnight,” she said softly.


  In the darkness, everything sounded different. Phoebe listened to the soft hum of the refrigerator, and the distant buzzing of cicadas. She closed her eyes, waiting for sleep to claim her. Instead, she was hyper-aware of Cole lying on the floor nearby. Somehow, her senses were attuned to his every movement, even his steady breathing.

  Don’t be crazy, she scolded herself. How can you hear his breathing when he’s not even lying beside you? But she couldn’t stop thinking about the man right there, just a foot away. What would it be like to kiss him? A hot, passionate kiss that would curl her toes? What would it be like to touch him, caress him? Make love with him?

  Curling her hands into fists, she told herself to calm down. Breathing slowly and steadily, she told herself to relax. She needed to be in good shape for tomorrow. Phoebe rolled over and lay on her side, facing the empty side of the bed. Cole’s side. Don’t think about that, she told herself, keeping her eyes shut. Just go to sleep.


  The harsh buzz of the alarm infiltrated the sensation of Cole’s lips on hers. She burrowed under the covers, trying to refocus on the lucid dream kiss and shutting out the brain-jarring noise.

  “Phoebe.” A hand gently shook her shoulder. “Time to get up.”

  Blearily opening her eyes, she stared up at Cole. Yesterday’s three o’clock shadow had turned into attractive stubble. How on earth did he look so good at the crack of dawn? She could only imagine what a mess she looked. Although she’d willed herself to sleep last night, she’d tossed and turned a couple of times, before getting in a few solid hours.